Votive stela of Userhat

Votive stela of Userhat

New Kingdom, late Dynasty 18, ca. 1353–1323 B.C
?Egypt, Upper Egypt; Thebes, Temple of Nebhepetre Mentuhotep, Deir el–Bahri, EES excavations, 1905
Limestone, paint; H
Gift of Egypt Exploration Fund, 1905

Userhat, shown here with his wife Nefertari, testifies to his own good qualities and to his trust in his god, probably Amun. As Userhat was a priest in the mortuary cults of both Amenhotep III and Tutankhamun, the couple must have lived during the later Dynasty 18. The complex layering of relief and the style of the figures demonstrate the influence of the art of Amarna at Thebes.